Restricted donations are donations that are made to fund a specific purpose at Island School. We have a number of restricted funds accepting donations. A list of funds can be found below. Mahalo for your support of Island School!
List of 4 items.
Tuition Aid
Tuition aid enriches and diversifies our student body, strengthens the learning environment, and connects our institution with the greater Kauai community. To give the gift of an Island School education, please support Tuition Aid.
In-kind donations and gifts of time and talent enrich the Island School experience. We are indebted to the many hands and hearts that help to make Island School the extraordinary place that it is.
Gifts to the Endowment
Endowment gifts support Island School’s long-term financial stability by providing a continuous source of funding for school programs and operational needs. Endowment gifts are held in perpetuity, and may be restricted to support specific activities according to the donor’s wishes. To ensure Island School’s success now and in the future, please consider giving to the Endowment.
Annual Auction Gala
The Annual Auction Gala supports our Tuition Aid program here at Island School, which ensures that all Voyagers can continue to pursue their educational dreams and that anyone can become a Voyager. Funds raised at the annual auction go towards tuition aid and provide significant enhancements to school programs.