
Financial Aid

Financial Aid at Island School

Any family who believes that they demonstrate financial need may pursue the Financial Aid application process. All Financial Aid is confidential and private. Island School is proud to support approximately 51% of students currently attending with some financial assistance. If an application for financial aid is complete and submitted in a timely manner, payments due will be adjusted by the award received.

How does one apply?

Families apply online using a secure independent third party called FACTS. It is FACTS that conducts a financial need analysis via information submitted by parents. The applicants for Financial Aid will need to pay a $40 processing fee by credit card. FACTS uses the families financial information that has been submitted and presents an assessment of need to Island School. It is Island School who then determines the financial aid awards based upon FACTS summary of financial need demonstrated by families. A child at Island School may be eligible to receive as much as $1000 to half tuition in aid relative to attend school. For those wishing to begin the Financial Aid process may do so at: Financial aid deadlines are due by February 15th.

Those applying for the Ho‘oulu I Ke Ola o Na Pua Scholarship may also apply using FACTS. The only difference will be three questions that help determine who is Native Hawaiian and who is not. The families who qualify will be awarded based upon financial need.

What is needed to complete a financial aid application?

• A completed on-line application
• Payment of $40 application fee
• Copies of most recent federal tax returns, including all supporting tax schedules.
• Copies of W-2 for both parents

If there are questions or challenges with the online application process FACTS has suggested that applicants call 1-866-412-4637.
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