Middle School Fall Dance - 11/15

Date of Event: Friday November 15th, 2024
Where: Island School - Wilcox Gym
Time: 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Food: Panda Express
Theme: Fall Fun
Colors: Blue & White

Aloha Middle School Families, 

The Middle School Student Council is excited to announce a Fall dance. It will be held on Friday November 15th at the Wilcox Gym on the campus of Island School from 6:00 until 8:30 p.m.  This event will be open to Island School Middle School students and one additional middle school guest per Island School student. If a non-Island School guest is attending, an additional permission form must also be filled out.  Island School students will be asked for $3.00 to cover the food and guests will be charged $5.00 and may pay at the door.  This dance is intended to be enjoyable. However, chaperones have been instructed to look for inappropriate attire and behavior. As always, attire should conform to the appropriate rules of the Island School Dress Code. Additionally, please note, the only area open to students during the dance is the Wilcox Gym and the lawn in front of the gym. The rest of the campus including student lounges, the adjacent elementary playground and all other playgrounds, outdoor playing courts, classrooms, and upper sports fields is off-limits during this event. We expect students to be respectable at all times and represent the ideals of themselves, their family and our school.

Student council members should report at 5:00 p.m. for set-up. Registration begins at 5:45 p.m. where students can begin to check in. Food will be made available outside on the Wilcox Lanai from 6:00 - 6:30. There will be a DJ and a photo booth. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at Island School between 8:30 - 8:45 p.m. Student council members should be picked up by 9:00 p.m. Drop-off and pick-up will take place at the roundabout between Frear Cultural Center and Wilcox Gym. All student council members are responsible for setting up the dance and staying after the dance to clean up. Members may not leave until everything is cleaned up. 

Your signature indicates that you understand the above and that you grant permission for your middle school student to attend the dance. Please return this signed form by Thursday November 14th to Mr. G in Room ULU. (Permissions forms were passed out in advisories on 11/13)

On behalf of the middle school student council and my fellow chaperones, we are looking forward to this event and will do everything possible to make this a safe and fun event. 

Sincerely,   Pat Gegen, the Middle School Team & Student Council Members