Last week, Fourth Grade spent the day at Hokualele Farm learning in-depth the significance of Kalo (taro) to the ancient Hawaiian people. Students worked together to make Pa’i’ai which is a Hawaiian food staple. After steaming and cleaning the corm, taro is pounded with the least amount of water on a wooden board, papa kui ai, using a stone pestle, pohaku kui ai. The starch molecules are crushed, forming a gummy mass fit for travel and long-term storage. When the Native Hawaiians navigated by canoe throughout the Pacific, they were able to survive off fish from the sea and paiai. By crushing the starch molecules, the substance begins to ferment similar to kimchi or cheese. While there, students listened to stories and talked about the true spirit of aloha. Students were also able to take some taro back to our families to share. This field trip was made possible by a grant from Malama Kaua’i Kalo to Kula.