Upper School Final Exam Week is scheduled for December 17th - December 20th. Pertinent information is as follows. Please note, Monday December 16th is a regular academic day.
Middle School Final Exam Overview and Schedule
The Middle School Final Exam schedule will follow a “O” day format:
Tuesday, 12/17: Periods 2 and 3
Wednesday, 12/18: Periods 4 and 5
Thursday, 12/19: Periods 6 and 7
Friday, 12/20: Period 1
| Tuesday 12/17 | Wednesday 12/18 | Thursday 12/19 | Friday 12/20 |
8:00-8:35 | Study Sessions: 6th Grade: MS Lounge 7th Grade: Niu/Hau 8th Grade: Noni/Ulu + Lanai | Study Sessions: 6th Grade: MS Lounge 7th Grade: Niu/Hau 8th Grade: Noni/Ulu + Lanai | Study Sessions: 6th Grade: MS Lounge 7th Grade: Niu/Hau 8th Grade: Noni/Ulu + Lanai | Study Sessions: 6th Grade: MS Lounge 7th Grade: Niu/Hau 8th Grade: Noni/Ulu + Lanai |
8:35-8:55 | Snack/Break | Snack/Break | Snack/Break | Snack/Break |
9:00-11:00 | Period 2 *spilt with enrichments 2-1 9:00 - 10:00 2-2 10:05 - 11:00 | Period 4 | Period 6 | Period 1 Spilt with enrichments 1-1 9:00 - 10:00 1-2 10:05 - 11:00 |
11:00-11:55 | Lunch/Recess | Lunch/Recess | Lunch/Recess | No lunch/11:00 Dismissal |
12:00-2:00 |
Period 3 | Period 5 | Period 7 | Bus Departs @ 11:10 |
2:00-3:00 |
Upper Field |
Upper Field |
*Halff Building Dedication 2:00 p.m |
All middle school students will attend their regularly scheduled periods in their usual classrooms and take their final exams with their classroom teachers. This includes middle school students enrolled in high school classes. Students will not be released early from exams and should bring a book or other work in case they finish early.
Study Sessions and Supervision:
Study sessions are offered each morning during Final Exam Week. Students are not required to attend study sessions or remain on campus during Upper Field times. However, students on campus during these periods must be in designated supervised areas. Families choosing for their student to arrive late or leave early must notify the front office.
Middle School Grading and Exams:
Middle school grading is divided into four quarters, each treated as an independent grading period. At the end of Quarters 1 and 3, comments are required for all students, while at the end of Quarters 2 and 4, comments are optional unless a student is earning below a "C" average. All students receive a Citizenship grade.
Core Class Final Exams:
Middle school core classes (English, Math, Social Studies, Science, and World Language) will have written final exams. The format and length vary by grade level:
Grade 6: A one-hour written exam followed by a meaningful culminating activity.
Grade 7: A 1.5-hour written exam.
Grade 8: A two-hour written exam.
Final exams contribute to students' Second Quarter grades. While enrichment classes are not required to administer final exams, meaningful culminating assessments such as presentations, projects, or reflections are encouraged.
Developmental Purpose of Final Exams:
The increasing length of exams by grade level is designed to build essential skills for high school readiness. This process is guided by developmentally appropriate practices and conducted in a nurturing, supportive environment. Students are taught to synthesize information, develop effective study habits, and persevere through challenges, fostering accountability and resilience.
Building Dedication 12/19 at 2:00 p.m.
*Bro Halff (father of Ryan Feather, class of 2014) donates money for Island School to buy books for Middle School. He's been doing this for a number of years now, and on December 19th we are going to dedicate a plaque in his honor on one of our classroom buildings. The dedication is scheduled for December 19th at 2 p.m.
High School Final Exam Overview and Schedule
Final Exam Schedule:
High school final exams are organized by core subject:
Tuesday, 12/17: English and World Language
Wednesday, 12/18: Social Studies and Electives
Thursday, 12/19: Science and Electives
Friday, 12/20: Math
Daily HS Schedule Tuesday 12/17 - Friday 12/20
Time | Tuesday 12/17 | Wednesday 12/18 | Thursday 12/19 | Friday 12/20 |
8:00 - 8:55 | Study Sessions/Hall | Study Sessions/Hall | Study Sessions/Hall | Study Sessions/Hall |
9:00 - 11:00 | English (Wilcox Gym) | Social Studies (Wilcox Gym) | Science (Wilcox Gym) | HS Math (Rooms assigned by teachers) |
11:00 - 11:55 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | No lunch 11:00 Dismissal |
12:00 - 2:00 | World Language (Rooms assigned by teachers) | HS Electives: - AP Comp Sci (Maile Lab) | HS Electives: - AP Psychology (PH6) -Yearbook (Maile Lab) - Ukulele (Music Room) | Bus departs at 11:10 AM |
2:00 - 3:00 | Study Sessions | Study Sessions | Study Sessions | |
High school students will take their exams during the scheduled times and in assigned locations, which may differ from their regular classrooms. Teachers will inform students of specific exam locations.
Attendance and Supervision:
Students are only required to be on campus for their scheduled exams.
Students on campus between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM must attend a designated study hall supervised by teachers.
During scheduled exam periods (9:00–11:00 AM and 12:00–2:00 PM), students not taking exams must stay in Purdy Quad (High School area).
High School Grading and Exams:
High school grading follows a 40/40/20 grading system, with quarters contributing to 40% of final exams contributing to 20% of students’ semester grades. Teachers may provide additional feedback through comments, depending on class policies and student performance.
Core Class Final Exams:
All high school core classes (English, Math, Social Studies, Science, and World Language) have written final exams designed to assess cumulative knowledge and skills. Exam lengths and formats are tailored to reflect the developmental stage and rigor of the course.
Elective Class Assessments:
Final assessments for elective courses vary and may include presentations, projects, or other meaningful culminating activities.
Developmental Purpose of Final Exams:
High school final exams are designed to prepare students for college and future academic challenges. The process emphasizes skill-building in critical thinking, information synthesis, and effective study practices. Students are supported in learning how to persevere through challenges and develop a deeper sense of accountability and independence.
Exam Communication:
Students will receive the exam schedule via email and complete a reference template during advisory. Their individual schedules will also be available in MyVoyager.
Bus Schedule:
Tuesday – Thursday 12/17-12/19: Buses depart at 3:10 PM.
Friday, 12/20: Dismissal is at 11:00 AM, with buses departing at 11:10 AM.
The students have been preparing for these finals and have the opportunity to show what they have learned. After the final exams, we hope they enjoy their Winter break and time spent with families. Students return to school on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025 for the first day of the second semester.