Aloha Island School ‘Ohana,
Community is how we feel.
Community is how we act.
Community is our foundation.
The past weeks have been filled with examples of how we choose to build community together. From onboarding our newest faculty and students, to cheering for our seniors in the opening assembly, from honoring professional milestones for our faculty and staff, to laughing and enjoying the evening as we made our way across and through campus for Back-to-School Night…we have committed the time and care to what it means to foster community. We hit our stride this week as the routine of school started to settle in. And so, it is with great joy that we look towards another chance to come together for fun with this vibrant community through tonight’s Carnival!
Last year we transitioned to an early-in-the-year gathering to bring people together, our Carnival. We also shifted the event to be led by the ‘Ohana Association and have all funds support the
Annual Fund which supports all programs of Island School. So, to me, this event is a classic “win-win.” Your children “win” by getting to have lots of fun together on campus alongside families who get the chance to spend time together in ways they might not otherwise. And it’s a “win” for the teachers…which is another “win” for the students too…because the funds raised allow us to support the dynamic programming we work hard to put in place for our students across the school. I guess that makes it a “win-win-win!”
And so tonight’s Carnival, already so many have taken action to volunteer their time and creativity - whether you donated Country Store items, helped with set-up, or will give your time tonight to help with clean up – thank you for all you’ve done to actively help us strengthen our community..
And just like last year, we will continue to budget strategically to reduce and eventually eliminate individual class / activity fee requests beyond tuition for our core programming. Instead, we are focusing on the
Annual Voyager Fund and our community working hard together so that all of our students get what they need in a robust Island School education - from arts to athletics, field trips to vibrant classroom environments, and more!
I want to express my deep gratitude to the Island School ‘Ohana Association for supporting this effort through all proceeds from the Island School Carnival going to the Annual Voyager Fund. Families will be able to see these funds dispersed throughout the year to support our teachers, staff, and administrators in implementing programs that enrich the lives of all of our students.
Let’s have a great night together and buy scrip tickets in advance! I hope to see you out there for some line dancing or enjoying some delicious chili with me. And if you can’t come tonight, don’t worry, you can still help make a great year for all of our students and teachers by giving your own support to the
Annual Voyager Fund for the 24-25 school year!
Here’s to our community!
Nancy Nagramada
Head of School