Regionals Science Fair Results

This weekend, four Island School High School students competed in the Regionals Science Fair. All four students were awarded with several special awards and prizes for their outstanding projects and three out of the four were selected to represent Kauaʻi at the Hawaii State’s Science and Engineering Fair on Oʻahu in March. 
Eva-Rose '28, for her project, Breath: an invisible key to young athletes performances and well-being, won the Behavioral Sciences Senior Division, APA Psychology Award, Naval Science Award, and got 4th place overall, advancing her to the State competition.
Sierra '28, for her project, Understanding the Impacts of Nitrate and Phosphate Water Pollution on Anini Lagoon, won the Environmental Sciences Senior Division, Association for Women Geoscientists Award, Stockholm Junior Water Award, and is moving on to the State competition.
Ashley '25, for her project Using the Mechanics of the Paperfuge to Create a Hand-powered Generator, won the Physical Sciences Award Senior Division, Naval Science Award, Yale Science and Engineering Association , 2nd place overall, and is moving on to the State competition.
Lily '26, for her Ointment Efficiency on a Bioengineered Skin Model: Treating Post-Surgical Scarring, won the Regeneron Biomedical Science Award.

We are so proud of our students!