Following the Wai

We continued on our walk to follow the wai even further than we had last week. The trail wasn’t completely cleared, but we trudged through as far as we could. Keiki noticed that the water went through one culvert, under the ground, then out through another culvert. On our walk we noticed the stream was littered with debris of sticks and tall grass. We talked about what would happen if the culvert got plugged. One idea was it would flood. He said “a flood is when water goes out of the river and goes everywhere. The whole town will be flooded if the culverts get plugged.” Some questions Ms. Keana asked were:

Is the water flowing towards our school or away from our school? 1) towards our school..lets see where it goes 2) It goes to the reservoir by our school.

What does a culvert do? 1) It makes water travel 2) a tunnel that goes under the road 

What did you notice today? 1) I heard birds 2) I heard the river 3) I smelled the dead pig, it’s yucky

After our journey we stopped for some freshly squeezed orange juice and headed back to school. We can’t wait to see where this journey leads us to…it’ll continue on.